EUSOMA, the European Society of Breast Cancer Specialist, has defined a list of quality indicators for breast cancer care. Hospitals and cancer registries collect the data such that we can benchmark, learn and improve. However, quality indicators cannot be compared directly as hospitals may treat patient populations with different complexity. To create a proper comparison, statistical techniques such as propensity score stratification are applied.
In this project, we apply vantage6 to compare breast cancer quality indicators between Norway and the Netherlands. Vantage6 now support propensity score stratification, which helps us to compare indicators for different patient populations. With the Cancer Registry of Norway, two data nodes have been defined: one for the Netherlands and one for Norway. Vantage6 enables to analyze the data, without exchanges patient-level data between the two data nodes. The analyses used in this project build upon earlier work, as it uses the General Linear Model (logistic regression).
A manuscript with the results of this study is being finalized
Project Details
Project lead
Dave Hamersma